Due Diligence

Informing great decision making

Due Diligence – Informing great decision making

LBWco regularly provides due diligence advice prior to sale or lease for the site owner, potential purchaser or lessee.  We identify and characterise environmental liabilities of a site, or of an operation or activity that enables informed decision making by our clients.

LBWco has extensive experience in providing due diligence advice to assist clients in:

  • acquisition or divestment transactions;
  • assessing existing operations against legal and other requirements;
  • lower risk decision making.

LBWco’s Principals have the required expertise, training and capability to undertake verification and third party review of environmental investigation, surveys, assessment, management, monitoring and reporting scopes of work. We undertake this task in a constructive manner to add value to the existing document or scope of work, or to better extract the useful information required from the report or scope of work.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your project

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