Site Contamination assessment and remediation

For small and large projects alike, our Principals have extensive experience in providing strategic advice to companies for whole-of-site management of site contamination issues.

Due Diligence

LBWco regularly provides due diligence advice prior to sale or lease for the site owner, potential purchaser or lessee. We identify and characterise environmental liabilities of a site, or of an operation or activity that enables informed decision making by our clients.

Environmental Monitoring

We understand the importance of obtaining reliable data on which to base management decisions or to assess compliance against regulatory conditions, legal or other requirements.

Environmental Management Plans

LBWco has a highly experienced team to develop strategies, plans and programs to manage environmental aspects and potential impacts or nuisance issues for an operation, project or activity.


Over the last 10+ years, we have proudly delivered environmental solutions to over 1000 individual projects across Australia. Our highly experienced team has a bent towards solving problems relating to site contamination and to mitigating the environmental risk and headaches posed to our clients.

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We’re very proud to have been involved at our 150 school sites across SA!

We know that productivity and learning increases in the right environment!
For over the last decade, LBWco has partnered with engineers, architects, construction companies, private schools, Catholic Education, and the State Government to ensure the school campuses all over SA are the best they can be. We have a whole range of school sites and technical colleges to deliver in 2023 and are so proud of the united effort to improve educational outcomes for our students.


We are family [BLOG]

What do new parents and business owners have in common?
These five emotions.

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Home & Back Again – Supporting our team back to the office [BLOG]

To return to the office or continue to have staff working from home? That is the question that is facing many businesses across Australia.

LBWco CEO Kylie Bishop explains why she made the difficult decision to bring the team back to the office sooner.

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Business Storytelling To Drive Sales – Kylie Bishop [Podcast]

Kylie Bishop has successfully founded and built two businesses. A problem solver by nature, 10 years ago she co-founded LBW co, to provide solutions around site contamination. She also solves problems for her clients through her second business, Incredible U, as a business consultant and mentor.

Follow link below for podcast episode to hear Kylie’s thoughts on the importance of business story telling.

Listen Now

Exciting Announcement! Restructure and a New Way Forward

Jarrod and I are pleased to officially announce that we have restructured our business, rebranded, and renamed our company. We have returned to 100% ownership and are very excited for the future of LBW co Pty Ltd.

Over the last 10 years, our business has certainly seen changes in the industry and in the Australian economic landscape. Each time we have evolved in response, just as we are doing now. The ability to be nimble and responsive is a fundamental trait of a SME and we want to capitalise on that for the benefit of our clients with some new directions and focus areas.

We have chosen a company name and a brand that is fresh and fluid and represents our strong history and our strong future. The “LBW” has been part of our story since 2007: initially LBW Environment Pty Ltd and more recently LBW Environmental Projects Pty Ltd. The “co” stands proudly for the people who make the business successful: our team; our clients; and our suppliers. Consulting, communication, collaboration and co-operation are all “co” words that we want our brand to reflect.

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EDi – Paper records a thing of the past. Environmental data intelligence system a first in SA.

The development last year of EDi, our trademarked system to capture electronic data in the field and communicate in real time to our project management team, is certainly proving to be a game changer for us. We can interrogate the data earlier in the project cycle and develop solutions quicker than ever before.

“EDi is how we solve our clients’ problems and includes a software system for collecting highly organised field data on rugged tablets and transferring it rapidly to our server via the cloud. We create plans for field events in EDi, overlay electronic information we already hold, such as site plans and testing data, then upload the plans to the tablets.

“EDi securely centralises our investigation data; enables the efficient development of environmental intelligence; and allows us to create the solution faster than any system we have worked with before,” says Bishop.

“It will save time in the field and time in the office, which will allow us to offer a more cost effective solution to the client.” she says.

“All of our staff can now send and receive real time data between the office and the field, rather than having to wait for the consultant to return from site and type up hand-written field data. The time and cost savings in regional and remote areas is particularly significant, and our risk for loss of paper records is significantly reduced.

“It also enables our Project Managers to interrogate data collected in real time, to video chat with field staff, and make immediate adjustments to the field program or communicate important information to clients in real time.”

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Start business in Kent Town

Founded as LBW Environment Pty Ltd.


60 projects delivered


200 projects delivered


Listed as one of SA’s top 15 fastest growing companies

Over 3 consecutive years 2012, 2011 and 2010.


Kylie wins SA Telstra Business Woman of the Year


Move to Norwood


350 projects delivered


Change name to LBW Environmental Projects Pty Ltd


600 projects delivered


Finalist in EY Entrepreneur of the Year


Jarrod elected ACLCA (SA) President


900 projects delivered


EDi rolled out


EDi trademarked


Year of turning 10!

Rename and re-brand to LBW co Pty Ltd to reflect our proud history and our vision for the future.


EDi delivers 20% productivity gains


Soil re-use options save clients $2M


1000th project commissioned!


Our business starts an 18 hour service delivery! Nick Brewer relocates to the UK and continues his full time role with us remotely.


Jarrod elected to Environment and Remediation Committee UDIA (SA)


Nick Brewer becomes a certified Site Contamination Specialist


Year of turning 15!