
About Admin

This author Admin has created 4 entries.

BLOG: We are family

Celebrating LBWco’s 13th birthday recently with our team was certainly a heartfelt moment for our small business given the economic conditions currently faced by so many SMEs. It gave me cause to reflect on how our business has grown and evolved since my husband Jarrod Bishop and I founded it in  2007, and what we have learned about ourselves along the way. What a ride it has been! Twists and turns, chances and changes! With relationships and problem solving at the heart

BLOG: Home and Back Again

To return to the office or continue to have staff working from home? That is the question that is facing many businesses across Australia. LBWco CEO Kylie Bishop explains why she made the difficult decision to bring the team back to the office sooner. It was hard to find the usual sense of business control when the COVID pandemic struck. Decisions needed to be made daily based on information that was less than clear, and that

Exciting Announcement! Restructure and a New Way Forward

Jarrod and I are pleased to officially announce that we have restructured our business, rebranded, and renamed our company. We have returned to 100% ownership and are very excited for the future of LBW co Pty Ltd. Over the last 10 years, our business has certainly seen changes in the industry and in the Australian economic landscape. Each time we have evolved in response, just as we are doing now. The ability to be nimble and responsive is a fundamental trait